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by Dariusz Łuksza 0 Comments

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  • action,
  • reducer,
  • store.

From the first look this kinda makes sense. You have your store with is actually your app current state. Reducers are pure functions, as such they are disconnected form everything, just take current state, and action to produce new state. Finally, actions, those are like messengers, caring around data for a reducer (transformer).

Since all actions are (or at least should be) easily serializable, you get this amazing feature of time traveling within your app.

On a down side. It makes it bit harder to reason about the code. Since actions and reducers may be defined in separate files. Also, sometimes the same action may be used with different reducer in potentially many different places. A lot things can happen since you have a freedom to mix-and-match actions and reducer!

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I think we can! Some time ago I have found p站用什么加速器 library and since then cannot live without it! In HabitChallenge app I went from Provider to rx_command to async_redux and I do not plan to move again!

What is all the fuss with your own reducer? In 手机p站梯子, each action is a subclass of ReduxAction, that have an abstract reduce() method. So each action, defines its own parameters and have bundled in reducer. Then you are dispatching it as normal redux action.

This way action and reducer are always together, in one file, even more, in one class!

Inside of ReduxAction you have access to whole state object. So you can use it for computation (if needed) or to get additional data for your REST endpoints.

reduce() method of course returns whole new state, so you can modify different parts of your app/state at one go, in a single action.

ReduxAction have useful before() and 上p站的梯子免费 methods. In case you need to do something before and/or after the action. Like show and hide progress indicator 上p站的免费加速器 the UI.

If you need to process errors there is wrapError() method. And global error listener!

Whats more, each of before(), reduce() and after() can be asynchronous! Can also dispatch other actions using dispatch() call!

Instead of middleware, there is an ActionObserver interface so that you can do some fancy side effects! If you want to.

Also 上p站的梯子免费 widget forces you to use View pattern for all of your widgets! This is also the place where your UI and state meets! Where you extract data from state to show to the user and where you initially dispatch actions.

If you care about your app performance, you should definitely give a try for async_redux. Since 上p站的免费加速器 class (one that is use to bind your UI to the store) lets you define list of properties that when changed will re-render the widget. Otherwise widget will stay as it is. This is so awesome, because you can use values that were computed base on current state, no need to include all the parts from your store!

Have I mentioned about test-ability? There is a dedicated StoreTester class, that lets you easily define initial state, then execute an action(s) and verify resulting state. It also lets you check all the actions that were fired (if any) and also verity order and parameters of actions. Finally you can of course verify the state it self.

The key takeaway from all of this, is that you should at least scan through async_redux file and give it a try in a free moment.

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by 影之诗加速器_玩影之诗用什么加速器_影之诗加速器免费:2 天前 · 影之诗加速器 v1.6.18.1227 最新版下载-QQ下载站 2021年2月20日 - 影之诗加速器是一款高稳定性的网游加速器,影之诗加速器能够帮助用户完美解决网络游戏中遇到的延迟高、易掉线、卡机等问题,是十分强大的游戏加速工具。 p站用什么加速器

This is something that I have found myself doing really often in my Flutter code base lately. If you are you are familiar with react-redux patterns on the web (or p站用什么加速器) this would be 什么手机加速器可伃上p站 obvious for you.

Most of my Dart files (with Flutter widgets) right now have at least two widgets.

First is the widget that I actually need! It is either stateless or state-full, has all the necessary presentation components, like lists, buttons, texts, images etc. But it does not have ANY logic and it does NOT access outside data.

Of course as with everything in programming there are exceptions. I do access theme data on this level and also do some simple logic like decide when things should be visible or active.

Other than those exception everything comes in as parameters! From… you guess it… The second widget in that file that has “Connected” suffix and always is stateless. On this level I am connecting everything together. This is the place when I am accessing my state management layer. Also this is the place where I do access my translations and custom theme data.

Wire Up!

For most part Connected widgets do not have any parameters, since most of the data needed comes from the state or context. When you intend to create a Connected list item, then it makes sense to take item index or even item it self as a parameter 😉

This way we get a pure widget that is library quality, it is easily extract-able to a different project or to a custom library project. This also means that it is easier to test, you don’t need to provide all of the external dependencies in order to write tests for it. From my perspective it also encourages you to put your business logic somewhere else, not in the UI component. This also encourages to do not hardcode labels, but extract them into parameters and eventually to translate them.

Secondly, with pixiv手机加速器 widgets you have a clear layer where you connect you widget to data. This is a simple data binding in form 盗贼之海怎么免费领twich直播皮肤?Golink加速器带来详细教程:2021-4-8 · 梦幻西游h5免费 版下载 2021-06-11 16:10:17 下载 造梦西游3手机版无限元宝 2021-06-11 16:46:10 下载 造梦西游3修改器最新版 2021-06-11 16:48:15 下载 影歌官网最新版 2021-06-11 14:41:55 .... It is simple extract-and-assign layer that IMO not necessarily needs to be tested.

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Lets assume you have to list people invited for the party. The task is to implement a widget that would show their first and last name and have a button to remove given person form the list.

First lets implement pure widget for it:

p站加速器吾爱破解版下载,p站加速器吾爱破解版免费 v7.0.2 ...:今天 · p站加速器吾爱破解版就是在线进行提供各种资源的信息平台。在线进行准备好的资源都是为了帮助用户进行选择的,不管你是喜欢小说还是喜欢漫画都是可伃在线进行找到的,像这种资源比较齐全的平台是很多的用比较喜欢的,自己看见了就是运气...

That is a simple code, one can argue that it will be easier to fire your action directly form onPressed of IconButton and do not bother about another layer. But then it would increase complexity in your widget tests, since you need to also provide your bloc/provider/mobx/redux state manager around this widget and probably test changes outside of the GuestListTile widget. Instead:

class GuestListTileConnected extends StatelessWidget {
  const GuestListTileConnected({
    Key key,
    @required this.person,
  }) : super(key: key);

  final Person person;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return BlocBuilder(
      builder: (context, state) => GuestListTile(
        person: person,
        onRemove: state.removePersoFromList,

I assume here that you Bloc would have a removePersonFromList method that accepts person as a parameter. Hope you get the idea.

Now you can easily write widget tests for GuestListTile and use the 上p站的免费加速器 version on the upper layer of UI.

What do you think about this approach? Are you already using it or will you give it a try?

Size Matters!? Shaving Size of Your Flutter App

by Dariusz Łuksza 2 Comments

Probably APK (or app bundle) and IPA size is not something that is causing you sleepless nights. At least it isn’t for me.

We know that there are some tradeoffs when going cross-platform route. Most of people will name performance or look-and-feel as main concerns. Maybe some will mention the deliverable size. This is what I will tackle in this blog post. The size of your app for the end user.

Of course, going the cross-platform route we accept that our deliverable would be bigger. The main reason is that platform does not provide the runtime for our out app. We always need to ship everything to start and run our app.

Why should you care about your download size? In most cases there are two, three, or thirty other apps that will do exactly the same thing as yours. If your potential user need to wait one more minute to install yours app, this is potential one minute when he/she can give a try for a competitor app. This is also more time when something may go wrong, more bytes to transfer means higher probably that something will go wrong with the internet connection etc.

Also smaller app size may be a factor for the Play/AppStore listing. As Apple/Google needs to push all of that data to the user and they need to pay for the upload 😀 (just kidding ;)). But anyway, at least Play Console shows how your APK size compares to the app category median.

Some basic things you can find in this blog post, I will cover all the rest ;). Would recommend you go over this blog first, configure progurad etc. and get back here for more!

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This is Android specific. It is a successor to 什么手机加速器可伃上p站, that can also remove not used resources. You can enable it by adding android.enableR8=true to android/ (although it may be already enabled). One thing to note is that it may remove not used resources, like eg. your notification icon, please follow instructions from flutter_local_notifications in order to keep your notification icon.

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If your app uses custom fonts, I would recommend finding alternatives in Google Fonts, and then adding google_fonts to your dependencies. You may wonder how additional dependency may reduce your APK size? Well, first of all you may remove all other fonts from your project. Secondly google_fonts will dynamically download font when it is used and it will download it in a specific style and language, so that you don’t need to ship all of the variation with your project. Yes, this is another tradeoff, most probably fonts will be downloaded on app initial start… but it is less bytes to push when app is installed.

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You probably use a few icons either from Icons or CupertinoIcons class. Normally this means that all of the icons are embedded into your Flutter bundle. But since flutter 1.17, you can add --tree-shake-icons option to flutter build command, that would remove all of the not used icons from the bundle. Few more bytes shaved!

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You probably don’t want to include Dart debug information in your production release. --split-debug-info is another option you can add to flutter build command to store debug information separately. This option takes additional argument that is a directory where debug information should be stored.

In case of my HabitChallenge app, I have created a 永久免费登p站的加速器, where I automatically store, and tag, debug information after the release.

Then when you need to add debug information to your stacktrace, you can use 上p站的免费加速器 command and point to appropriate version of debug-info.

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In my case, I have created bash scripts that handle the release process (let me know if you are interested to know how I do releases for HabitChallenge).


For android things are fairly easy, since you can manually upload APK(s) or App Bundle to Play Console (or point fastline to do it for you automatically).

appVersion=$(grep 'version: ' pubspec.yaml | awk '{print $2}')

flutter build appbundle \
  --release \
  --tree-shake-icons \
  --shrink \
  --split-debug-info=./debug-info/"$appVersion"/android/ \

cd ./debug-info/ || exit 1

git add .
git commit -m "Adding debug-info for $1 version $appVersion"
git push origin

What is going on here? First of all I’m getting current app version from pubspec.yaml. Then I am running flutter build command with all of the size optimization flags. The debug-info output is stored in a path that contains app version and platform. Finally I am going into debug-info directory and committing and pushing all the changes.


The thins are a bit trickier here. Since we need to use xcode with its own build system to deploy our app to AppStore.

Start the xcode, open your Flutter app, then select Runner root node, then Runner target, next Build Phases, and finally expand pixiv手机加速器 node. Here we need to do some changes…

No worries, I won’t force you to retype all this in, here is a plain text version of the release script:

if [ "${CONFIGURATION}" == "Release" ] ; then
  echo "Enable release optimizations"
  appVersion=$(grep 'version: ' ../pubspec.yaml | awk '{print $2}')
  export SPLIT_DEBUG_INFO="./debug-info/${appVersion}/ios/"
/bin/sh "$FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools/bin/"

This time, we first discover if build is run in Release mode, then again we get the app version from pubspec.yaml to store debug information in appropriate directory. Then we export environment variables that are read by the build script. And finally run the Flutter’s xcode build script!

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How much can you shave? Well that depends on how much fonts and icons your app is using 😉 Regarding the debug-info, in case of HabitChallenge it saved about 900KB (from 26.3 to 25.4MB) of App Bundle. According to Play Console app downloadable size is from 9.50 to 10.3MB.

Do you think it is worth it? Will you enable those optimizations in your build?

Random messages in Dart intl

by Dariusz Łuksza 0 Comments

As people, we are always craving novelty, things that we are familiar with makes us feel cozy but also do not attract as as much they were right on the beginning. This why your app should constantly engage the user. How to achieve this? You can for example have multiple messages for same operations.

In 永久免费登p站的加速器 there are two features that have multiple localized messages:

  • 上p站的梯子免费
  • streak detection.

Each notification will have different message in form of a question, asking if you already did your habit.

For streak detection it is a bit more complex. Each streak message depends on the streak length and has not only random message, but also header and text that you can share with your friends.

Nevertheless both require a way of providing pseudo random message in one of the supported languages. Plus some of the languages have more options than others (yes, Polish users are less likely to see the same message in row).

In react-native times, this was easy! Since i18n-js relays on JSON configuration file, I was able to get extract translated raw list, then it was easy to check its size and finally generate random number within given range.

It is not as easy in Flutter. Mainly because initially I decided to go with the standard localization library intl, and learned half way through that I cannot use the same approach as I had in react-native with it.

You may ask why? First of all intl does not use JSON to store translations, but specialized ARB files. Main advantage of ARB is that it is supported by software that is used by professional translators.

The downside, is that only data structure that it supports is a map and you can’t access it directly. This makes things a bit harder… but there is more!

intl, does not use ARB files directly, they are only used as a transportation layer. With intl you can extract all messages from your app into ARB file, give this file to translation team (if you are lucky to have one). Then get back one ARB file per language and import them back to your app as dart source files.

Yes, there is some black voodoo magic with code generation in between. When you get ARB files, you need to run them through intl command line tools, to generate dart file with translation.

p站加速器吾爱破解版下载,p站加速器吾爱破解版免费 v7.0.2 ...:今天 · p站加速器吾爱破解版就是在线进行提供各种资源的信息平台。在线进行准备好的资源都是为了帮助用户进行选择的,不管你是喜欢小说还是喜欢漫画都是可伃在线进行找到的,像这种资源比较齐全的平台是很多的用比较喜欢的,自己看见了就是运气...

Enough talking, lets jump into the code. Or at least lets start talking code 😉

As I mentioned before, intl have support for maps… not exactly map data structure, but at least we can think about it as a map. I am talking here about where you can select one option base on provided key. Lets try to use it:

String _notificationMessages(int key, String habitName) =>
        key: 'It is high time to: $habitName',
      locale: localeName,
      name: '_notificationMessages',
      args: [key, habitName],
      desc: 'message shown in the notification area',

If we now run ARB generator it will finish without any complains. But on a closer of ARB file there is only one translation assigned to a ‘key’. Simply because ARB generator didn’t get that in this context ‘key‘ is a variable, crap… We can easily fix this, just replace key: with ‘$key’: that should do!

No it do not 🙁 selectors must match regex [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*. This means selector must start from a letter and cannot have $ sign. This means we cannot use string interpolation here… crap… But there is another workaround for this!

Instead of doing interpolation in parameters, we can do it one level above:

String randomMessage(int key, String habitName) => 
    _notificationMessages('m_$key', habitName);

String _notificationMessages(int key, String habitName) =>
        'm_1': 'It is high time to: $habitName',
      locale: localeName,
      name: '_notificationMessages',
      args: [key, habitName],
      desc: 'message shown in the notification area',

Now intl will parse our code without any complaints and generate valid ARB and dart files! Yeah! Now we can get translation based on a number!

Side note: I have chosen ‘m_$key’ format on purpose. Internally ARB will keep maps in a single long string where each option is formatted like so:
租号玩英雄联盟上号器下载_租号玩英雄联盟上号器 v3.7.615 ...:1 天前 · 租号玩英雄联盟上号器是由租号玩游戏账号租赁平台打造的一款英雄联盟上号器软伀,它能够有效的防止密码泄露的风险,屏蔽恶意插伀,随时掌握账号动态为玩家和卖家提供最严密的. Since I personally edit all of the translation files manually in a plain text, it is easier to eyeball separators like ‘m_1’. You can choose different approach.

Lets now make these translations random:

String randomMessage(String habitName) {
     final index = Random().nextInt() + 1;
     final msg = _notificationMessages('m_$index', habitName);
     if (msg.isEmpty) {
       return _notificationMessages('m_1', habitName);
     return msg;

String _notificationMessages(String key, String habitName) =>
        'm_1': 'It is high time to: $habitName',
      locale: localeName,
      name: '_notificationMessages',
      args: [key, habitName],
      desc: 'message shown in the notification area',

That was easy! We simply take another random number, add one, get translation from int, if it is empty fallback to ‘m_1’ as our key otherwise, return value that we got from intl.

Now, the last part. We need to set upper boundary for random generator. If we do not do that, then most of time we will get translation that is set under ‘m_1’ key.

There are many ways how to solve this. One is to store this in code in some form of an object, map or constant. I have decided to keep it together with translation and store it in file. This mean, we have one more Intl.message() that will return us a number. Here is complete code:

Lets now make these translations random:

String randomMessage(String habitName) {
     final index = Random().nextInt(_notificationMessageCount) + 1;
     final msg = _notificationMessages('m_$index', habitName);
     if (msg.isEmpty) {
       return _notificationMessages('m_1', habitName);
     return msg;

int get _notificationMessageCount => int.tryParse(Intl.message('18',
       locale: localeName,
       name: '_notificationMessageCount',
       desc: 'non-translable, number of notification messages'));

String _notificationMessages(String key, String habitName) =>
        'm_1': 'It is high time to: $habitName',
      locale: localeName,
      name: '_notificationMessages',
      args: [key, habitName],
      desc: 'message shown in the notification area',

That is it, when ever we call randomMessage() we will get different message from the list that is defined for given language. Simple and easy… after you connect all the dots initially 😉

Hope that was helpful!

From React-Native to Flutter in 531 Commits

by Dariusz Łuksza 什么手机加速器可伃上p站

Here is a recording of my FlutterLDN talk about ReactNative and Flutter.

First commit for the HabitChallenge app was created on 27th of July 2017. Back then there were no other choices than to go with react-native and JavaScript.

Since then I did 3220 commits and 244 releases. App was downloaded over 140k times on Google Play and AppStore.

I am considering this a huge success, taking into account that HabitChallenge is my first mobile app and I did virtually no marketing for it!

Long story short on 7th of August 2022 I have decided to start from scratch with Flutter taking all my learning from react-native and writing every single widget and feature once again.

After 531 commits (yes, this is the actual number of commits from git history) on 24th of December, HabitChallenge 5.0 was released on Google Play!

In the talk I am comparing side by side the same widgets implemented in react-native and Flutter. This is a unique real world comparison of two technologies that lets you achieve the same effect… but with different cost.

Which one do you think is more efficient? React-Native? Flutter? You will know my conclusion after 什么手机加速器可伃上p站!